Sunday, May 6, 2012

its true??

korang penah dgr x e-life..
or one community worlwide...
e-life actually is electric field theraphy..
sbuah mesin yg akn mgalirkan cas -ve..
from electric through ur body..
actually there is no fact or evidance..
yg terapi ni bole mnyembuhkn pnyakit...
actually b4 this..
aku dh pnah try.. alpha one..
same concept like e-life..
n nothg changes happen to me..
yg e-life ni plak..
ada sorg mmber aku suggest tuk aku..
1st die ckp die blanja aku...
ok r.. free kn aku g la..
n after treatment.. aku rsa skit pale sgt2..
actually i hve migrain since im 11 yrs old..
time trtment aku gune 3kv je..
n during the trtment u need 2 drink as much as u can..
a plain water.. it will help to remove ur toxic from ur body..
mostly after treatment u will go to toilet..
ut it doesnt happen to me..
mayb coz aku dh biasa mnum air yg sgt byk kot..
after that my fren brings me..
lepak at mamak with others..
yg juga pgguna e-life juga..
all of them is malay n below 30..
actually below 25...
n when im sitting there...
continuously one by one come sit after me..
n talk about e-life...
its good for our health...
die akn betulkn sistem bdan kite..
n bla.. bla.. bla..
dorg ckp lpas trtmnt mmg sgt lapar..
tp aku biasa je.. sgt2 xlapar..
rsa nk blik n tdo... (aku ni jnis tdo awal)
suddenly someone give me a form...
ask me to join as happy member..
n the fee is rm250...
from that u will get 14x treatmnt...
one treatmnt cost about rm50 per session (1hour)..
then u get 15x pass to celebrity fitness...
life insurance about rm200k..
mmber of one community...
but that time i juz say that i will talk with my fmily 1st...
sbb aku xbpe sure ngan bnda 2...
after listen to them.. i'm starting get bored...
oo lupe nk gtau... aku g sne after maghrib..
n u know.. i  going back to hostel at 3 am...
nak tau g.. tunggu aku smbung nnt k..
sbb rsa pnjg sgt entry ni...

notakaki: nsib la tmpat 2 jauh... n aku pon tmpang org g sne... klu xmmg aku dh blik awal.. huhuhu..

cik n3mO

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