Tuesday, December 25, 2012

the final of GCAP~~~

finally... 21/12/12... I already finished GCAP... 4 the last day... we've created sweet moments... we had a party on that day... play games 4 whole day... eating together... when remember back... I really miss u damn much guys... GCAP especially 'The Oscar' n 'nashpacteam' give me a lot of memories...

through ths programme I've learned a lot of things.. how to improve ur skills in workplace.. n know how to do a teamwork with a dffrnt bckgrnd of people.. I've gained my knowledge about industry nowadays.. n etc.. too much to list down the things that I've got from here...

here 'The Oscar'
xyah aku nk kenalkn sorg2.. sbb dah ada nme kn...

gelagat dak2 TA8...

n we're 'nashpacteam'.. our trainer Mr Raj labelled us as a bunch of comedians... 

here we again... a north pole team... always attract people to join us.. :)

credit to: shamandesign

my wishes for u guys... be what u want to be coz dream can come true if we put an effort on that... no one can stop us to dream...  n its depend on u to realize ur dream or not... i will always pray the best for u all... n i'm gonna missing u guys... i really happy coz i had the chances to meet u guys... hope we will nver lost contact each other.. keep in touch always... :) and may ur day full with happiness...

notakaki: 1st time ever, i've done that things.. i dunno why n wat the reason i do that... that time i juz hope he can accept it... its juz a sign of 'salam perkenalan' from me.. wat happen next.. i dunno... Ya Allah... aku serahkan segalanya padaMu.. moga dia bahagia di hari2 yg mndtg...

cik n3mO

Thursday, December 13, 2012

could you be mine???

assalamualaikum... hai korg... ari ni aku xbrapa nk shat.. coz suddenly i've got bad flu and it makes me uncomfortable at all... ari ni aku xg klas.. coz ada career fair by mypartners... n i'm totally not prepared anythg for it... so jwpn nye mmg kene bhan la kn ngan interviewer... n i dont expect anythg for today event...

one more things, the company involved not really related with my field... thats y la.. i dunno wat to do n which company i should go.. lastly i go juz for one company only... thats all.... n i juz know a basic things about the position i apply... so sad about that.. but its ok... its juz a begining for me... so next time.. keep in mind.. always prepare ur self...

satu g mslah yg aku hadapi hari ni... mslah yg sgt2 complicated.. n biasa la.. mmg ia akn melibatkn hati n perasaan... lately aku suka kat someone.. actually aku suka tgk die from the first time i saw him... but lately... mkin mnjadi2.. n aku xtau nk control cmne... its unpredictable... mmbuatkn aku serabut bile pk...

bile bnda ni brlaku ia buat aku xkeruan... aku tkut bile aku terus terang... aku akn kehilangn die... thats y since dulu g... aku suke pndam perasaan aku.. aku xkn ckp yg aku suka kat seseorg 2... btul ckp kwn aku... we cant put a hope on the things that not sure will be happen... juz stop dreaming... dont ever think about that...

sbb aku ni sgt2 xyakin dgn diri aku... aku xkan berani ke dpn in watever situation yg melibatkn hati n perasaan ni... the best way adlh berdiam diri... so right now i try to control myself... n my mind... aku xnak mnangis psl bnda ni lg.. dh byk sgtaku buang air mata aku tuk prkara ni... Allah always know apa yg terbaik tuk hamba Dia... n if ada jdoh aku ngan die... ada lah... if xde... aku juz doakn kbahagiaan die... aku gembira bile tgk org yg aku syg bhagia... :)

notakaki: one of my fren said that "syg org yg syg pd kite, bkn syg pd org yg kite suka".. n i agree with that... n actually org yg kata 2.. rupe die kn sama cm ex aku... so ari2 la aku ngadap muka ex aku kan... (sbnrnye aku xsuka ex aku 2) hahaha... nsib prangai xsma...

cik n3mO

Sunday, November 25, 2012

my konvo day...

Assalamualaikum... ehem... dah cm nk tulis surt plak kn... actually kisah ni dh lapok dh.. dh sebuln brlalu.. tp aku xbrkesempatn nk update... now, aku dh pon graduate.. means dah tamat sbg plajar undergraduate pd 21 oktober 2012...

alhamdulillah aku brjaya tamatkn nye pd msa yg diberikn... walaupn byk dugaan n cbrn yg aku lalui spnjg aku mnuntut di ukm.. n aku hampir2 kne brhenti blaja... syukur xtrhingga...

fmily aku dtg ari sabtu coz aku convo hari ahad.. n dorg duk kat umah akk aku kt kjg... tp time aku konvo 2.. juz mak n along je yg leh msuk.. aku xsmpat nk g ambk tiket tok fmily aku yg laen.. so sad... but its ok...

aku dpt sejambak bunga ros.. huhuhu... 1st time in my life dpt bunga,... al maklum la... xde org nk bg kn... btw... thankz to my family coz nvr gv up supportg me... ;) luv u all till end... so ni la pic time aku konvo...

notakaki: dpt upload pic ngan fmly je... pic ats pntas xdpt nk ambk coz trtggl kat umah... tp fmily aku sume xpuas ati ngan kdai yg ktorg ambk gmbr ni... tp nk wat cmne.. dh ambk dh pon... sekian...

cik n3mO

Saturday, November 24, 2012


wat its that actually?? its short form for graduate career accelerated programme.. i've joined in ths prgrmme last 2 weeks... its was held by KPT/MOHE with the cooperation of Scicom n My Partner.. GCAP is a 6-week upgrading training programme designed to transform M'sian graduates into highly employable executives for the service industry...it is for graduate who currently unemployed..

ehem.. try nk speaking.. tp hancus.. aduhai... hahaha... nsib la kn.. aku join bnda ni pon sbb aku nk try improve my english.. i dunno why.. since i entered ukm.. im disable n not cnfident at all to speak english anymore... klu nk ikutkn... time aku kt skolah mnengah n kat matrik... aku ok je... nk kte teror sgt 2 xde la.. tp still can speak out without fears.. n i can perform an english song that my frens n i create together in front of others during english competition at school... but now i cant work on it anymore.. i bcome very fears to speak out especially in front people that i nver know... i becme very nervous n blank when i need to speak... so sad... 2 la mslahnye.. n sbb 2 gak aku nk try skang ni.. nk kmbali cnfident cm dlu2 blik.. cewahhhh...

n last 2 days i need to present my vision board n there will be assessed by our trainer, Mr Raj... n once again i cant perform well in front... my voice sounds like want to cry n shaking from start until the end... n after finished, Mr Raj told me that i need to control my nervous n please alert with my grammar... see... i feel that my presentation totally worse..

i hope with this programme i able to build my cnfident n speak in english well.. n i enjoying my day with my group... the nashpac team solution... hahahaha.. but im so sad bcoz 1 of our mmber need to split out from our group... its bcoz we need to make a group of 5 to do the next assessment.. so sorry for shaman...

actually i want to attach my presentation video here but it cant coz the size is too big... n i already delete the software that can convert it into small size.. ;(

notakaki: grammar aku msti brterabur kan... hahahaha... nsib la ko iqa... aduhai./...

cik n3mO

Monday, August 27, 2012

Bukan Dia Tapi Aku~~~

by: Judika

Berulang kali kau menyakiti
Berulang kali kau khianati
Sakit ini coba pahami
Ku punya hati bukan tuk disakiti

* ku akui sungguh beratnya
Meninggalkanmu yang dulu pernah ada
Namun harus aku lakukan
Karena ku tahu ini yang terbaik

Ku harus pergi meninggalkan kamu
Yang telah hancurkan aku
Sakitnya, sakitnya, oh sakitnya

Repeat *

Ku harus pergi meninggalkan kamu
Yang telah hancurkan aku
Sakitnya, sakitnya, oh sakitnya

Cintaku lebih besar darinya
Mestinya kau sadar itu
Bukan dia, bukan dia, tapi aku

Begitu burukkah ini
Hingga ku harus mengalah

Ku harus pergi meninggalkan kamu
Yang telah hancurkan aku
Sakitnya, sakitnya, oh sakitnya

(cintaku) cintaku
(lebih besar dari benciku) lebih besar dari benciku
Cukup aku yang rasakan
(jangan dia) jangan dia
(jangan dia) jangan dia cukup aku

(jangan dia jangan dia) cukup aku
(jangan dia)

download: http://www.4shared.com/mp3/nedoW8_g/judika_-_bukan_dia_tapi_aku.html

cik n3mO

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Raya oo Raya...

tetibe rasa nak update.. huhuhu... smlm kitorg rmai2 wat ketupat... mmber aku, Sue yg ajar... dpt la tau cmne nk wat ketupat sate ngan ketupat bawang... huhuhu... baru 1st time blaja.. agak kurg cntik la bntuknye.. beria2 wat sbb nak bg kat Dr Nik... huhuhu...

ni la tok guru kitorg.. huhu... tu tgh mngajar anyam ketupat la tu...

xcited giler sume dpt blaja wat ketupat.. dah cam mlm raya plak rasa...

byk xktorg dh wat.. huhuhu... cantik kn... :P

tadaaa... ni yg aku wat... huhuhu....

yg tgh tu la penyelia kitorg... yg laen 2 intern same ngan kitorg under Dr Nik...

pastu td kitorg bg la ketupat n rendang brsama2 kad raya... hahaha... tetibe rasa malu plak sbb aku wat corak2 kat bhgian dpan kad raya tu.. (cam dak2 nk bg kat kwn2 jek.. gtal tgn..) Dr Nik terharu ngan pe yg ktorg bg.. then die bg stiap sorg duit raya... malu plak rasa bila Dr bg kat kami ni hah... btw thankz bebanyak Dr Nik... syg Dr.. teheee.. *gedik plak*..

notakaki: sebelum berangkat pulang ke kmpung halaman mlm ni... aku nak ucapkan selamat hari raya kat korg sume... kwn2 kat kmpung, ukm, intern sme ngan aku n sape2 yg mengenali diri ini.. mohon maaf dipinta jika ada slah laku, terkasar bahasa, terumpat, terkata o pe2 je la yg menyinggung perasaan... jemput2 la dtg ke rumah yer... huhuhuhu...

cik n3mO

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

berbuka bersama~~~

aku ni slalu wat entry yg emo kn.. huhuhu... mmg padan la ngan nme blog aku.. iqaemo... nak wat cmne.. dah aku mmg emo...

ok la.. kali ni aku nk update ttg dak2 praktikal kat tmpat aku praktikal skali ni... ktorg berbuka puasa sama2 kat antarabangsa.. mknn yg ada not bad la... n harga pon ok la.. RM25 sekepala...

cepat2.. xsabar nk mkn ni... gggrrrrrr....

aku kayo.. aku kayo.. ambik2.. aku blanja ari ni...
time 2 eat.. huhuhu...

ni la dak2 nye.. dari kiri... nik, paah, ina, ieda, aku, yan n shaq..

ni la yg ktorg mkn.. byk giler ktorg mkn,.. smpai org laen 2 3 kali tgk meja ktorg... cam pelik je.. hahaha....
notakaki: aku bosan n risau sbnrnye.. ntah la... die tetibe ilng... aku ada wat slah ke??? klu ada ckp... errmmm... ptg ni ktorg nk berbuka sate kat hajris bistro... sape nak ikut?? jom3...

cik n3mO

Monday, July 30, 2012

di MINT~~~

fuhh.. fuhhh... brsawang blik la blog aku nih.. ish3... kemalasan thap mksimum mmbuatkn aku trsgt mlas nk meng'update' blog ni... nak kate xde tenet ada je.. 24 hrs le on9.. tp nafsu nk br'on9 skang trsgt la tipis.. xcm time kat u.. ari2 wajib on9.. skang ni nk on lappy pon mlas.. pe nk jd la...

ehem.. utk citer trbaru... aku dh genap sbuln (iaitu 4 mggu) brpraktikal di MINT... best jgk la.. byk pngalaman aku dpt.. tp yg xbestnye byk melepak.. xde keje nk buat.. kdg2 smpai kematu buntut punggung ni duk xwat pe2... aku diselia oleh Dr Nik Ghazali Nik Salleh.. brsma2 rkan2 ku yg laen.. nik, ika top n sue..
aku ada gak knal ngan dak dr u laen.. ieda butterfly dr USM, ina dr UPM n farhah dr UM... nsib dpt geng 1 kpala... bole la mghilangkn kebosnn yg ada...

ni la group aku... dak2 xjadi aka dak2 4 org... (nsib la SV xigt nma kami -,-)

ada g sebln setengah aku kne tmpuh kat cni... n lg 2 bln aku akan grad.. waaa... rse cm xcaye.. masa brlalu dgn pantasnye.. dah 3 thn aku blaja kat ukm rupenye... ermmm... sbnrnye aku brhrap sgt aku dpt smbung master.. tp ada mslh ckit.. aku dh rncang plan ttap nk smbung gak... insyaAllah ada rezeki aku smbung la.. tgh mncri2 pluang yg sesuai je ni... hopefully trmakbul la impian aku ni...

back to story.. SV aku ni sgt la pndiam orgnye... tp sgt2 teliti n kemas... smpai aku pon dh trikut2 cre die... dia ni senior aku gak.. tp thn ble xtau la... aku wat tjuk psl natural product yg di'cure' guna UV.. best gak blaja bnda2 ni yg slama ni aku anggap remeh.. rupenye sush gak nk dpt hasil.. huhuhuhu...

ada g satu crita.. ehem.. malu nk cite.. waktu 1st week aku praktikal kat cni.. seseorg dtg... serius aku trkejut... nk lari die kejar plak.. hahaha.. igtkn dh ilang terus.. alih2 muncul plak kn... adeh... ok smpi ctu je aku cite psl die...

group nasyid MINT.. hahaha.... sje gedik nk pki sme2...

ktorg kat cni trsgt la enjoy.. n trsgt la riuh.. smpi SV2 yg laen pon pening tgk ktorg.. hahaha,. pe nak wat.. xde keje... kita wat keje kn.. :P

notakaki: sedih plak coz pas raya sorg dr group kami tmat prktikal.. tggl dak2 UKM je la kat cni.. huhuhu... xsabar nk buak sma2 ngan dorg.. jom jom g antarabangsa.. mkn smpai puas... hehehe... ni post ke 100 aku... aku igt nk wat post special.. tp xde idea nk karang... so post bnda2 biasa je la.. huhuhu.. hve a nice day.. =)

cik n3mO

Saturday, June 16, 2012


yeah.. its true.. finally i've done my thesis succesfully.. alhamdulillah.. smua nye brjalan lancar.. rabu lepas aku dh anta thesis utk dijilid.. and ari jumaat pas exm organo trus g ambik.. n cam xprcya yg akhrnye aku brjaya lakuknnye..dan inilah hasilnye.. tadaaaa...

ni la hasilnye slps gigih mnyiapknnye.. :) sgt brpuas hati...

sila abaikan background 2 ye...
next week bru nk anta kat fac.. sbb lom burn soft copy dlm disc lg.. hehehe... keje senang pon mlas wat kn... dah settle wat ni.. rasa lega sgt2.. lepas dh satu tugas yg agk brat.. n now stdy for final exam.. the really final one.. next week paper bioorganik yg mmg sush n byk mghafal.. last paper 27hb ni.. instrumen.. hopefully aku dpt jwb dgn mudah.. amin... wish me luck k guys for my final...

bile ckp final.. tetibe rsa sedih... dah abis blaja rupanya aku... pasni kne mghadap dunia luar yg ntah cmne la nnt kn... sedih nk tgglkn khdupn sbg student ni.. this is the moment yg sgt2 best.. hang out dgn kwn2.. pergi kelas.. kdg2 trponteng.. huhuhu.. wat assgnmnt.. sbuk g library.. masuk lab.. smua 2 bole rsa time ni je la...

huhuhu... actually ada niat nk smbung wat master.. tp keadaan xmngizinkan... insyaAllah klu ada rezeki.. aku akn sambung jgk.. cuma lmbat ckit la.. :) doakn aku k... n for all my frenz... gud luck k.. n i'm gonna misz u.. trutama yantie, sue, ika top, ain n coursemate aku... sayang korg sgt... hope kte leh jmpa g n brdating g pas ni.. n nnt time konvo kte jmpa g k.. :) insyaAllah...

notakaki: ari ni bole plak demam g.. aish.. pnat tol..  mntak2 cpt smbuh.. nak stdy biorganik plak...

cik n3mO

Monday, June 4, 2012



Oraen-maniya mot bon sa-i geudaen eol-ku-ri chowa boyeo
Yeppeojyeot-da neon hangsang nae nunen wonrae kowah boyeo

Keunde oneul-ttara jo-geum talla boyeo yunanhi mwonka deo cha-gawo boyeo
Nareul boneun nunbichi dongjeonge kadeuk cha-isseo ne apeseo nan ja-ga boyeo

Kwaehn-chanheun cheogaesseo daehwah-jujereul bakkwobeoryeo

Mudko shipeun ma-reun manheunde neon ttag jallabeoryeo

Ne gin meorin challanggeoryeo nae bo-reul ttaerigon seuchyeojina

Dwiido-raseon godjang kabeoryeo yeo-giseo neol jabeumyeon useuwojina

Amu maldo tteo-oreuji anh-jyo tteolmyeonseo neon handu balchag dwiiro
Ijen nae-ga museopdan geu mal nal michike haneun neoran tal

I love you baby i’m not a monster
Neon al-janha yejeon nae moseubeul shi-gani chinamyeon sarajyeo beoril tende
Keu ttaen al tende baby

I need you baby i’m not a monster
Nal al-janha ireohke kajima neomajeo beorimyeon nan jugeobeoril tende
I’m not a monster

Museun ili isseodo yeongwonhaja-go
Seulpeul ttaedo gippeul ttaedo kkeut-kkaji haja-go
You don’t say that tomorrow
Oneu-ri majimagin geotcheoreom sarang-haja-go

Neo eom-neun salmeun jongshinhyeong sesanggwah danjeoldwaeh dol jikyeon-giya
Neoran jonjae-neun gojilbyeong shiryeonye yeonsong ma-eumsong miryeoniya

Sesangsaramdeu-ri nae-ge dollin deung modeun geo-shi bebekkoyeoit-deon nun-chorideul
Nae-ge kajang keun apeumeun (apeumeun) ni-ga keudeul katajyeot-dan geotppun

I love you baby i’m not a monster
Neon al-janha yejeon nae moseubeul shi-gani chinamyeon sarajyeo beoril tende
Keu ttaen al tende baby

I need you baby i’m not a monster
Nal al-janha ireohke kajima neomajeo beorimyeon nan jugeobeoril tende
I’m not a monster

Kajima kajima kajima tteonaji mara
Hajima hajima hajima neo katjianha

Meo-reojin chaero sarangeun geolleojin chaero

Chajjima chajjima chajjima nal chajji mara
Majimag majimag majimag

Ne ape seo i-nneun
Nae moseubeul giyeo-khaejwo nari-jji marajwo

I love you baby i’m not a monster
Neon al-janha yejeon nae moseubeul shi-gani chinamyeon sarajyeo beoril tende
Keu ttaen al tende baby

I need you baby i’m not a monster
Nal al-janha ireohke kajima neomajeo beorimyeon nan jugeobeoril tende
I’m not a monster

I think i’m sick i think i’m sick
I think i’m sick i think i’m sick



It’s been a while. Seems like you’re doing better since I’ve seen you last.
You got prettier too, though you always looked beautiful in my eyes

But you seem a little different today; you seem unusually cold
The gaze you put on me is full of pity, in front of you, I look small

I act like it’s fine, I try to change the subject.

I have a lot I want to ask, but you cut me off.

Your hair flows in the wind, and it hits me on my cheeks and leave.

You turn around and leave just like that, would I look silly if I try to hold you back?

I cant think of anything to say, Trembling, you take two steps back.
Your words that you are afraid of me, You are the one that makes me crazy

I love you, baby i’m not a monster
You know the old me, When the time passes, I will have to disappear, You’ll know then baby

I need you, baby i’m not a monster
You know me, It ends, but if you leave me like this, I will die
I’m not a monster.

You say, let us be together forever no matter what happens.
You say, let us be together when we’re happy and when we’re sad.
You don’t (won’t) say that tomorrow..
I say, let’s love today as if it’s the last day.

Yo, the world without you is like a capital punishment
The world doesn’t go correctly without you
Your existence has become an incurable illness for me

Everyone may look at me with judging eyes,
but what really hurts is the fact that you have become a part of that ‘everyone.

I love you, baby i’m not a monster
You know the old me, When the time passes, I will have to disappear, You’ll know then baby

I need you, baby i’m not a monster
You know me, It ends, but if you leave me like this, I will die
I’m not a monster.

Don’t go, Don’t go, Don’t go, Don’t leave me
Don’t do this, Don’t do this, Don’t do this, You don’t seem to be yourself

Still far apart, With love still divided

Don’t look for me, Don’t look for me, Don’t look for me, Don’t look for me
Last, last, last

Please remember the me that stood next to you
Please don’t ever forget me

I love you, baby i’m not a monster
You know the old me, When the time passes, I will have to disappear, You’ll know then baby

I need you, baby i’m not a monster
You know me, It ends, but if you leave me like this, I will die.
I’m not a monster.

I think I’m sick, I think I’m sick.
I think I’m sick, I think I’m sick.

Credit to: http://michelia94.wordpress.com

cik n3mO

Wednesday, May 30, 2012


entry ni xde kaitan ngan kete viva ok.. this for my viva presentation.. akhrnye dh kuar.. hari yg dnanti2kn.. dak orgnk n bkn orgnk, oleo, tekno n etc smua nye viva mmgu ni.. ktorg dak analysis trcicir plak mggu dpan.. pe nk wat trima je la...

tarikh: 5 Jun 2012
hari: selasa
masa: 9.15 a.m.
tempat: Bilik Mesyuarat PPSKTM, FST
pemeriksa: Prof Dr Md Pauzi Abdullah
penyelia: Prof Datuk Dr Sukiman Sarmani

nsib la aku dpt Prof Pauzi.. bhagia jap.. mudh2an smuanye brjln lncar.. wish me luck k guys.. n for all my fren do the best k.. :) insyaAllah segalanya dipermudahkn... ermm.. ermm.. dah cuak dh ni.. syes takut.. huhuhu... nk ready slide pon xwat g.. ish3... xpe2.. hjung mggu ni pulun abis tuk viva k...

ni jadual viva yg bru je kuar ari ni...

notakaki: nsib mak paksa blik ukm ari ni.. klu xmmg brbahagia je la aku kt umah 2.. ish3.. hahaha...

cik n3mO

Sunday, May 20, 2012

trip to melaka~~~

ehem.. Assalamualaikum... korg shat sume? alhamdulillah penulisan tesis aku dah siap n dah dihantar Jummat lepas.. lega coz dah trlepas satu tugasan yg berat tuk sem ni.. tggal 3 asgnmnt yg perlu disettlekn dan jg viva.. hope everythg will be fine.. last but not least for the final exam.. sedih plak bila pk saat akhr nak tiba.. pghabisan life sbg student.. n last moments with my frens...

smlm aku ngan 7 org lg coursemate aku enjoy our day at melaka... mntang2 baru settle tesis.. release tension for a while.. b4 get busy again.. thankz to wanie, yana, zira, zahran, sue sweet, zati n to bufday gurl intan.. ada 3 org g ptut join ktorg tp msg2 ada hal last minute.. so trpaksa la tgglkn dorg... hepi habiskn masa ngan korg.. 1st igt cam malas nk g.. tp bile pk bile lg nk hang out ngan korg cmni g kan...

kitorg gerak dlm kol 9.30 pg cam 2... sampai melaka dlm kol 11 pg cmtu la... sbnarnye pegi ni xde arah tjuan.. hahaha... wanie la ni.. die plg xcited nak pegi.. hahahaha... smpai2 je igt nak g Taman Mini Malaysia & Asean.. but that time its still under renovation.. so we dont be allow to enter there... so truskn prjlnn g Zoo Melaka...

tp aku ckp awal2 mmg bosan klu msuk zoo sbb xbyk binatang.. lastly we made up to go to Taman Buaya Melaka... fee to enter per person is RM10.. so here we go...

Welcome to taman boyo.. boyo... hikhikhik...

yana, sue sweet, intan, aku, zati zira, wanie
credit to photographer: zahran
xcited giler tgk buaya2 yg besar dlm sangkar.. skali kene ngap mmg naya...

salah sekor buaya yg ada kat cni.. igt jgn jadi buaya darat.. *tetibe je kan*

comel kan burung merak tu.. tp last2 brterabur kitorg lari sbb merak tu cm nk patuk kitorg...

yg lain sume dpt kuar.. tggl aku, zati n sue trsgkut dlm ni.. cmne nk kuar ni.. waaa.. serius tkut gler..

our chemistry bond never can be broke.. =)

dah penat brjln.. sggah mcD jap.. (tu je plg dekat.. hohoho)

ronda2 di bandar hilir..

tetibe je ada sorg tourist ni ajk ktorg brgambar.. malu tapi mahu.. hahahaha... pon bole kn... =)

last destination.. dataran pahlawan..

suprise 4 bufday gurl.. happy bufday intan.. =)

this memories will be last forever... hope our frenship will be like this forever too..

Awas!!! hahaha...

dah habis sume kitorg pon gerak blik dlm kol 8 lbih.. nk cri kedai mkn tp xjmpa plak.. huhuhu.. last2 mkn kat bangi je... thankz to yana coz blanja kerang bakar.. next time blanja g eh.. hehehehe... =P sume dh penat.. blik tdo.. sweet memories forever.. sayang korg sume... pasni rancang nak g penang plak.. hohohoho.. nk kene kmpul duet ni..

p/s: actually mak aku xbg aku pegi pon.. tp degil gak nk g.. puas kene bebel tadi.. maaf ye mak.. hehehe.. xbuat g dah.. tp mak sbnrnye xksah pon kan.. jnji aku xbuat bnda yg slah.. kan..kan..kan.. =P

cik n3mO

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


sgt stress + high pressure.. rasa nak meletup je... ni smua sbb mood nk jd rajin tu ilang.. lari ntah mne.. puas dh cari.. xjumpa2 gak.. aduhai.. org lain dah maju ke hdpan.. ko je yg ketinggalan.. wahai Mr.M kembali la padaku.. aku amat memerlukan kehadiran mu di saat2 yg genting ini...

ni dah masuk hari ke 4 aku mnatap wjah Mr T.. tp ape yg aku dpt.. BLUR... wahhhh... ni sudh bikin sush... cmne ni... janji ngan papa nk anta ari isnin... but still at this time.. mnatap wajah Mr T xsudah2.. terasa mau jerit kuat2.. terasa mau lari laju2..

asaimen brlambak2 dh panggil suh buat.. mnambahkn lg teknan yg ada.. nak nangis.. can someone lend ur shoulder 4 me??? nak harap kn Mr A.. xabis2 nk wat aku rsa bengang... dah r mood tgh xstabil.. kang ada jg aku trlepas kat die.. rasa nk off tepon je..nak terus terang.. cam berat ati la plak.. but someday i must let u go.. i'm really sory...

notakaki: serius trasa nak blik umah sgt2.. ari2 tepon mak ngadu.. mak asyk tnye je bile nak balik.. cmne nak blik.. kje brtimbum2 dah ni... T_T

cik n3mO

Sunday, May 13, 2012

happy mother's day~~~

happy mother's day i wish for my beloved mother.. n also all mothers around the world..

Pn Halilah Bt Md Zaid
u're the greatest n the strongest women in my life.. thankz for being such a caring n lovely mom to me... iqah syg mak sgt2.. xde pe yg bole gantikn mak dlm hidup kami... ur smile always makes me happy.. eventhough i know there is a sadness in ur heart.. u always hide it from me.. but i know everyday after pray u r crying... utk dpt kekuatn tuk teruskan hidup.. mak sentiasa berusaha tuk jadi kuat.. seperti xde pe yg brlaku kn.. 

dear mom,  nothing i can do to pay back all ur sacrifices... but what i can promise... i will make all ur dreams come true.. insyaAllah... iqah tau setiap langkah iqah diiringi doa dari mu.. doa yg penuh pgharapn.. dan iqah xkan sia2kn... i wish i can make u proud with me n smile to see me.. insyaAllah it will be... 

terima kasih juga mnjaga n mmbesarkan iqah.. mnerima kesilapn yg penah iqah lakukan walaupn iqah tau kesilapan itu tak patut dimaafkn... mak sentiasa ada bila iqah perlukan mak.. terima kasih sgt2... semoga apa yg mak hajati trcapai.. dn semoga khidupan kita sekeluarga sntiasa dirahmati Allah.. amin..

notakaki: rindu mak sgt2.. dh lme xbalik umah.. n dh nk msuk 3 mggu xjmpa mak... aish.. xsbar nye nk balik.. cpatla tesis ni settle...

cik n3mO

Saturday, May 12, 2012

tetibe je kan~~~

xde kaitn dgn hidup atau mati.. ataupun dgn entry di bwh... ianya brkaitn ngan aku yg sdang brjuang mnyiapkn thesis.. so skang ni mode agk xstabil n trganggu...

selamat petang sume.. huhuhu.. dah solat lom ni?? aish.. tetibe tnye soaln pelik.. sbb ari ni aku berasa sumenye pelik.. hohoho... aku rasa gaya penulisan aku kat blog ni lain dari yg lain.. so ari ni aku nk tukar ckit.. hahaha.. actually aku xsuka bca ayat pnjg2 ni.. scanning is better for me to read a long text.. tp disebabkn rsa kepelikan.. aku nk ubah la jd pnjg2.. hahaha.. (tetibe sengal jap ari ni..)

ari ni ari ke 2 aku bertapa kat ptsl tercinta ni.. aish dr thn 1... muka ni plg jrang (or xpenah sbnrnye) msuk library.. smpai kne blacklist.. hahaha.. kad kene block gara2 xpenah meminjam.. (cm ne nak pnjam klu dtg pon xpenah kn) time 2 awal thn 3.. nk pnjam buku.. scan r kad metrik.. kene block... mmg bengang r.. dh bwk bku byk2 tp xle pnjam.. g kaunter tnye.. die suh aku tukar kad metrik.. mayb barcode aku ada prob.. ok fine...

dgn gigihnye aku g wisma aman tok tukat.. melayang rm15 aku... sok nye g lg nk pnjam.. (sebb beria2 nk pnjam bku ni adlh krn nk wat proposal.. tu la thn akhr bru nk kenal library kn.. ish3...) n nk djadikn cite.. still lg kene block.. wth??? aku bru tukar kot.. xkn prob g..

aku g lg kat kaunter.. tp tnye ngan en abg ni... (yg sblm ni cik akk... so lyn xlyn je la kn).. g kat sne wat muka kesian.. 'abg nape sy xle nk pnjam buku?' 'bak meh kad metrik abg tgkkn' die pon tekan2 keyboard.. klik ntah pe2.. 'oo.. adik ni xpenah pnjam buku ea? adik nye id dah luput' 'eh yeke abg.. eerrrkkk... dh 2 nak wat cmne' (muka dh bengang je time 2.. kantoi.. hahaha,..) 'xpe2.. ok dah settle.. cuba try' 'hehehe... terima ksih abg' 

dgn muka yakin g la scan nk pnjm bku.. akhrnye brjaya.. (dlm hati sumpah seranah akk smlm.. mlyang duit aku.. dah r duit tgh xrmai time 2.. ish3.. dugaan tol) lpas dri hari 2.. bole dikatakn setiap hari muka aku kat c2... sampai stdy n exm week pon brtapa kat c2.. dh jd cam blik no 2 aku... hahaha...

notakaki: tetibe trigt peristiwa yg mmbengangkn ni time tgh menaip tesis... merapu jap tok ilang kn tension.. wish me luck k for this thesis.. aigooo... my papa dh mntak suh anta cpat.. aku je yg wat lmbt2.. pdhal lab aku plg awal siap dr yg lain...

berkampung di ptsl..

cik n3mO

Ai, takkan tengok je.:)