Thursday, December 13, 2012

could you be mine???

assalamualaikum... hai korg... ari ni aku xbrapa nk shat.. coz suddenly i've got bad flu and it makes me uncomfortable at all... ari ni aku xg klas.. coz ada career fair by mypartners... n i'm totally not prepared anythg for it... so jwpn nye mmg kene bhan la kn ngan interviewer... n i dont expect anythg for today event...

one more things, the company involved not really related with my field... thats y la.. i dunno wat to do n which company i should go.. lastly i go juz for one company only... thats all.... n i juz know a basic things about the position i apply... so sad about that.. but its ok... its juz a begining for me... so next time.. keep in mind.. always prepare ur self...

satu g mslah yg aku hadapi hari ni... mslah yg sgt2 complicated.. n biasa la.. mmg ia akn melibatkn hati n perasaan... lately aku suka kat someone.. actually aku suka tgk die from the first time i saw him... but lately... mkin mnjadi2.. n aku xtau nk control cmne... its unpredictable... mmbuatkn aku serabut bile pk...

bile bnda ni brlaku ia buat aku xkeruan... aku tkut bile aku terus terang... aku akn kehilangn die... thats y since dulu g... aku suke pndam perasaan aku.. aku xkn ckp yg aku suka kat seseorg 2... btul ckp kwn aku... we cant put a hope on the things that not sure will be happen... juz stop dreaming... dont ever think about that...

sbb aku ni sgt2 xyakin dgn diri aku... aku xkan berani ke dpn in watever situation yg melibatkn hati n perasaan ni... the best way adlh berdiam diri... so right now i try to control myself... n my mind... aku xnak mnangis psl bnda ni lg.. dh byk sgtaku buang air mata aku tuk prkara ni... Allah always know apa yg terbaik tuk hamba Dia... n if ada jdoh aku ngan die... ada lah... if xde... aku juz doakn kbahagiaan die... aku gembira bile tgk org yg aku syg bhagia... :)

notakaki: one of my fren said that "syg org yg syg pd kite, bkn syg pd org yg kite suka".. n i agree with that... n actually org yg kata 2.. rupe die kn sama cm ex aku... so ari2 la aku ngadap muka ex aku kan... (sbnrnye aku xsuka ex aku 2) hahaha... nsib prangai xsma...

cik n3mO

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