about my passion, love, life, study, opinion n others... weee~~~
knpa aku suka die??
in fact.. die mlik org...
aku tau sjak dr mula g...
tp knp aku bole trjtuh syg kat die..
its make me stress....
what should i do??
aku nk buang prsaan ni jauh2 bole x??
xnak ada prasaan cnta n syg pd lelaki..
bole x?? ada xcara nye??
tp aku xnak la jd songsang...
juz dont want to feel in love...
ok stop cite psl ni...
tmorrow aku ada exm...
kul 3.30 ptg.. di dectar..
kimia alam sekitar..
n seriously aku xstdy pe2 g...
mne mood stdy aku trbang mlyang pon aku xtau...
eeeeeeee... bnci sgguh cmni...
aku rimas la...
tau nk exm.. tp xsdar2 g..
nk ambk bku n bca...
wth iqah????
wake up k... n start stdy..
xde sape leh tlg ko brjya kcuali dri ko..
so try to be the best k..
this is ur final year..
there's no more chance...
if u not try..
u will be worst...
nothg can help u then..
rmmber that!!!!
cik n3mO
0 org dak comel yg merapu