Monday, November 8, 2010

ponstan Or pAin KilLer...

smalam 1 ari aku skit kpala...
tnda2 migrain aku tlah kmbali...
adeh.. ni yg leceh...
nk djadikn cite aku pon mkn la ponstan yg dbrikan oleh abg iparku...
lpas telan je...a ku tdo..
ble g dpt tdo dgn lena...
1 jam kmudian..
aku pon bgn...
mata ku stat trasa gtal n aku pon tonyoh la mata ku..
gtal xthan... 
bberapa mnit kmudian...
aku tgk kat cermin...
mata ku mrah...
then mmbengkak...
waaaaaaaa... dh mcm alien....
so nk cite sbnrnya...
aku ni ada allergic kat ponstan a.k.a pain killer...
bnda ni dh lme aku prasan...
dn sahih nya kjadian mlm td ni...
effectnye smpai skang...
dn dsbabkn 2 aku xnak kuar umah ari ni...
wwaaaaaaa.... bosan gler wei....
tp bnda ni jap je reda... 
mlm kang ok la...
n pas ni aku xnak sntuh g bnda alah ni... ish3...

ni adlah contoh2 ponstan yg  ada dpsaran.. huhuhu

 yg ni plak struktur molekul bg ponstan... (mntang2 blaja kimia)

n kat bwah ni srba ckit psal history bnda alah kat ats ni...

Ponstan is one of a group of nonsteroidal, anti-inflammatory (NSAIDs) drugs. 
It is used to relieve some of the symptoms caused by arthritis including inflammation, swelling, stiffness and joint pain. While this medicine does not cure arthritis, it does aid in the prevention of pain and discomfort for those that suffer from it. 
As with most medications, there are a number of side effects that can come as a result of use.

    Common Side Effects

  1. Some common side effects of using Ponstan include diarrhea, swelling (mostly in the face, hands and legs), rapid weight gain, headache, bluish fingernails and/or lips and skin, stomach pain, bloody or black stools, small red spots on the skin, bleeding from the rectum, spitting up blood, ulcers, unexplained nosebleeds and vomiting. These side effects only affect a small number of users, with most users experiencing little to none of the above problems.
  2. Severe Side Effects

  3. Unfortunately, the possibility of severe side effects also exist while using Ponstan. Some of these side effects include fainting, fast or uneven breathing, fast and irregular heartbeats, hives on the face or tongue, swelling of the eyelids, shortness of breath, trouble breathing properly, and tightness in the chest. These side effects are extremely rare and only occur in a small number of users.
  4. Important Safety Information

  5. Before using this drug, tell your doctor if you have ever had an allergic reaction to any of the following drugs: aspirin or other salicylates, ketorolac, oxyphenbutazone, suprofen or zomepirac. Also be sure to tell your doctor if you are on any special kind of diet or if you are currently pregnant before beginning use of Ponstan. Nursing mothers should also avoid this medication as it typically transfers to the infant in breast milk. It is also important to remember to never drink alcohol while under the influence of this medication.
  6. Usage

  7. It is important to use the drug correctly to avoid some of the above side effects. Always take the drug in conjunction with doctor's orders and do not exceed dosage instructions. Whether in capsule or liquid form, be sure to take this drug with at least eight fluid ounces of water. Also, try to remember not to lay down for 15 to 30 minutes after taking the drug as if may interfere with your swallowing.
  8. Warning

  9. If you experience any of the above side effects, please contact a medical professional immediately.

    If an overdose is expected, contact a local poison center or head directly to the emergency room for treatment.

    Always consult a doctor before starting to use Ponstan to ensure that the drug is the best fit for your arthritis pain.

Read more: Side Effects of Ponstan |

2 org dak comel yg merapu:

Bahia said...

waaah! bahayanyer~!
kt pun baru kena tadi. terima kasih sebab bagitau juga. ngehehe

bahayanyer ponstan ni, bleh buat seseorang tu burwuk~
gambarajah ku.

iQaH OtHmAn said...

tau xpe... mmg dhsyat....

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